Friday, 13 March 2020

Your Horoscope

PM Johnson's speech yesterday re. the corona virus pandemic reminded me of this poem that I wrote years ago. It was the bit where he told us all to expect relatives to die.

Your Horoscope

Money, work,  moving house, babies, romance,
love, friendship, children, pets, hospitals. Some
of  you will be diagnosed with cancer today.
Everything will be all right. Sun signs, phases,
opportunities, challenges. Saturn, the lunar
eclipse, Uranus. Some of you will hurt
yourselves, or others, today. Everything will be
all right. Mercury, dark strangers, lottery
winnings. For those of you born on the cusp,
the full moon could mark the beginning of an
episode of psychosis. Everything will be all right.
Promotion, alignments, Venus in your house
squaring with Pluto. Your dog may require
euthanasia later in the week. Everything will be
all right. Frustration, crossroads, new horizons,
family matters, career, health. You may have to
take the day off work, as today could be the day
you admit your child into the local hospice for
respite care. Everything will be all right.
Conjunctions, opposites, your life path,
childhood, social life, parties. Expect an
invitation to attend the funeral of an old school
friend. Memories, partnerships, emotions.
Everything will be all right. Something about the
discovery of new planets and the downgrading
of old ones. The cycle of life. Changes in your
environment. The more senior amongst you may
be institutionalised  today. Everything will be
all right. Metaphorical doors, home improvements,
doors opening, doors closing, revolving doors.
The repetition of patterns of behaviour. Resist.
Your ruling planet goes partially retrograde
towards the end of the month. Some of you will
die. Everything’s going to be all right. Call or text
to find out why destiny wears red this Thursday.

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